Product Description
We provide various Wire Belt belt maintenance tools to facilitate the removal, repair, or installation of metal conveyor belts. All instruments are wrapped in a reusable storage sleeve to help keep them precise and clean.
1. Wire Straighteners
Essential for joining and maintenance of Flat-Flex Belting
- High-quality wire straightening tool
- Remove distortions in the wire and adjust Z-bends
- Perfect for opening and closing C-Cure edge loops
- Suitable for wire diameters from .035″ to .092″
2. Universal Cutting Pliers
For cutting all Flat-Flex Belting
- Micro-structured cutting edge suitable for cutting all Flat-Flex belting including .157″ wire diameter.
- The compound lever design has a good mechanical advantage, enabling high-tensile wire to be cut with low handle loads. As a result, operator fatigue in a repetitive situation is greatly reduced.
- Gripping surface below the joint is suitable for wire diameters from .035″
- Multi-component handles with integrated spring return and locking device
- Fully heat-treated, chemically blackened jaws.
- Manufactured to DIN ISO 5743:2004
3. Fine Wire Cutting Pliers
For cutting fine wire Flat-Flex wire belting
- Suitable for use with high-tensile music wire belts
- Slim profile head for cutting tightly-pitched belts standard to chocolate enrobing processes
- Leverage reduces force expenditure by 40%
- Spring return
- Manufactured to DIN ISO 5747:1995
 4. Micro Shear Wire Cutters
For cutting stainless steel Flat-Flex belting
- The self-sharpening design gives a good mechanical advantage, enabling wire to be cut with no loss of sharpness
- Compact design with spring return, heat treated and chemically blackened
- Suitable for wire diameters up to .050″
 5. EZSplice Multi-Head Profiling Pliers
For use with EZSplice, joining strands
- Individual heads for each pitch and wire combination within the EZSplice range
- Crimps joining strand to ensure a secure belt joined with a flat carrying surface
- Prevents “over-crimping”
6. CompactGrid Pliers Set
For joining CompactGrid Belting
- Custom-designed CompactGrid Tool kit to make splicing as simple and easy as possible
- Each tool kit contains two CG-Splice Levers and one set of CG-Splice Pliers.
- The tools are designed to help align and crimp the belt into place.
- The tools provide a perfectly shaped crimp, completing the splice joint without damaging surrounding wire strands or over-crimping the splice strand.
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